Moreover, consumers shopping online is actually a process of solving doubts, that is, I have many doubts. Generally speaking, we take a relatively large category, such as cosmetics, whether its products are suitable for my skin type, and may directly perform practical operations on consumers offline, and do the best, such as eye care.
Make up and beauty, let your consumers lie down on the chair, then paint your left eye beautifully, and then tell you, what do you think? The implication is that if you pay the bill, I can also draw your right eye for you, and give you a free make-up, otherwise you will go back. There are actually ways to do some interaction offline. It's quite difficult sms marketing service online. From the perspective of clothing, consumers often encounter a situation where the clothing that looks like it fits quite well on the model. But after the actual purchase, it may not be in place. It may be that the model dresses like a star, and she dresses like a clown. Everyone also knows that if we make clothing, if we are photographing us, we may not only use lights and photographers, but also clips and pins. If it is presented through such pictures, consumers may have a solution. The confusion is very big.
Through live broadcast, through continuous video, through the 360-degree dimension, and the overall resale, consumers can understand the product more thoroughly and more. In the past few years, the phased model was more of what