The medication contains Tadalafil, a PDE-5 inhibitor that blocks the activity of PDE-5 in the body. This drug blocks the PDE-5 enzyme, which results in an erection. By blocking PDE-5, Vidalista Tablet prevents the breakdown of cGMP, which leads to an extended erection. While this medicine is considered safe for men, it is not suitable for women. Vidalista 20 Mg and Vidalista 40mg is solved Erectile Dysfunction problems.
In addition to the side effects, this medication should be used only if your doctor has approved it. It should never be combined with other medicines without your physician's approval. As with any medicine, this medication is not recommended for use by people with certain health conditions. You should consult your doctor before taking it. It has a long list of possible side effects. If you have these conditions, you should immediately stop taking the medicine.